Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2023

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  • Lanna Resources Public Company Limited would like to invite all the shareholders to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2023 on Monday, April 24, 2023 at 15:00 hours at the Grand Ballroom, 3rd Floor, The Okura Prestige Bangkok Hotel, 57 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, according to meeting agenda, including related documents below.

Documents Concerning with the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2023
1. Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2023 Download file
2. Location Map for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2023 Download file
3. Annual Report 2022 (Form 56-1 One Report), including Financial Statements Year 2022 Download file
4. Detailed Information on each meeting agenda Download file
5. Articles of Association of Lanna Resources Public Co., Ltd. Download file
6. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2022 Download file
7. Rules and Practices of Attendance, Grant of Proxies for Presence and Votes at the Meeting for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2023 Download file
8. Procedures of Attending the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2023 Download file
9. Information on the Independent Directors assigned as Proxy for the Shareholders Download file
10. Proxy Form A Download file
11. Proxy Form B Download file
12. Proxy Form C Download file
13. Request Form for the Annual Report 2022 (Form 56-1 One Report) (Hardcopy format) Download file
14. Question Submission Form for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2023 Download file
15. List of Major Shareholders and Shareholding Proportion as at the Record Date of March 21, 2023, listing names of shareholders having rights to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2023. Download file
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