Registered on 14 May 2024
(Thai version)
Articles of Association of Lanna Resources Public Company Limited (Thai version)
ARTICLE 1: These Articles are called the Articles of Association of LANNA RESOURCES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED.
ARTICLE 2: The word “Company” in these Articles means LANNA RESOURCES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED.
ARTICLE 3: Where no other provisions are stated in these Articles, the provisions of the law concerning public limited companies shall apply and govern in every respect.
The Company shall adhere to the law concerning securities and the stock exchange and in the case the Company has securities listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the Company shall adhere to the rules, regulations, announcements, or notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, including the notification regarding disclosure of information concerning related transactions and acquisition and disposition of important assets of the Company or the affiliated companies.
ARTICLE 4: The shares of the Company are ordinary share specified with the name of the shareholder, having equal value and must be paid once to the full value.
The Company may issue preference shares, debentures, convertible debentures, and any other securities pursuant to the law concerning securities and the stock exchange.
Preference shares (if any) are convertible into ordinary shares.
ARTICLE 5: Aliens may not at any time hold more than twenty five (25) percent in the aggregate of the total outstanding shares of the Company.
“Aliens” mean natural persons and juristic persons who are not of Thai nationality, and shall ¬include:
(1) A juristic person with fifty (50) percent or more of its registered capital share belonging to aliens;
(2) A juristic person with fifty (50) percent or more of the total number of its partners, shareholders or members being aliens, whether such aliens have made whatever amount of investment or no investment has been made;
(3) A partnership with a managing partner or manager being an alien.
ARTICLE 6: The shares of the Company are transferable without restriction, except that the transfer of shares may cause the proportion of alien shareholdings to become contrary to or inconsistent with Article 5 of these Articles of Association.
ARTICLE 7: A transfer of shares shall be valid on a transferor’s having endorsed a share certificate stating the name of a transferee and the names of the transferor and the transferee having been subscribed thereon and the share certificate having been delivered to the transferee.
The transfer of shares may be used against the Company on the Company’s having received a request for registration of the transfer of shares, and it may be used against a third person on the Company’s having registered it.
On the Company’s having seen that the transfer of shares is lawful, the Company shall register it within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of the request. If the transfer of shares is not correct or valid, the Company shall so notify the applicant within seven (7) days.
On the shares of the Company’s having been listed as listed securities in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the transfer of shares shall be in compliance with the law concerning securities and the stock exchange.
ARTICLE 8: If a transferee desires to obtain a new share certificate, he shall make a written request signed by him and certified by the signature of one (1) witness and return at the same time the original share certificate to the Company. The Company shall register the transfer of shares within seven (7) days and issue a new share certificate within one (1) month from the date of receipt of the request.
All share certificates of the Company must be affixed or printed with the signature of at least one director. However, the director may entrust the share registrar under the law concerning securities and the stock exchange to affix or print his signature on his behalf.
If the Company entrusts the Stock Exchange of Thailand to act as share registrar of the Company, the registration practices of the Company shall be as stipulated by the share registrar.
ARTICLE 9: The Company shall have the Board of Directors comprising not less than five (5) directors, and not less than one half of the total number of directors must have a residence in the Kingdom.
ARTICLE 10: A shareholder shall have one vote per share to elect the directors and each shareholder may exercise his whole votes to elect one candidate or more as director(s) but his votes may not be distributed howsoever to elect the candidate(s). The candidates receiving the highest votes in respective sequence equal to the number of directors which should be elected at such time shall be elected directors.
In the event the next elected candidates receive equal votes and their number exceeds the number of directors which should be elected at such time, the chairman shall have a casting vote.
ARTICLE 11: At every annual ordinary meeting, one third (1/3) of the directors, or, if their number is not a multiple of three, then the number nearest to one third (1/3) shall retire from office.
The directors to retire from office in the first and second years after the registration of the Company shall be determined by drawing lots. In every subsequent year, the directors who have been longest in office shall retire.
ARTICLE 12: In addition to the retirement by rotation, the directors shall retire upon:
(1) death;
(2) resignation;
(3) disqualification or being of the forbidden nature under Section 68 of the Public Limited Companies Act B.E. 2535;
(4) retirement by a resolution of a meeting of shareholders pursuant to Article 15 of the Articles of Association;
(5) retirement by the court’s order.
ARTICLE 13: A director to resign from office shall tender his resignation to the Company, and his resignation will be effective from the date on which the resignation is delivered to the Company.
The director who resigns under the first paragraph may also notify the registrar of the Ministry of Commerce of his resignation.
ARTICLE 14: In the event the office of a director is vacated otherwise than by rotation, the Board of Directors may elect a person, who is qualified and is not of the forbidden nature under Section 68 of the Public Limited Companies Act B.E. 2535, to replace such director at the following meeting of the Board of Directors unless the remaining tenure of the director is less than two (2) months.
The resolution of the Board of Directors under the first paragraph must be passed by a vote of not less than three fourths (3/4) of the number of the remaining directors.
The replacement shall retain the office of director only for the remaining tenure of his predecessor.
ARTICLE 15: A meeting of shareholders may pass a resolution retiring any director from office before the time of his retirement by rotation by a vote of not less than three fourths (3/4) of the number of the shareholders present and entitled to vote and having shares in the aggregate not less than one half of the number of shares held by the shareholders present and entitled to vote.
ARTICLE 16: A director may or may not be a shareholder of the Company.
A director has the right to receive remuneration from the Company, namely, salary, rewards, meeting allowances, gratuity, bonus or considerations of other natures as set forth under the Articles of Association or as considered by a meeting of shareholders, which remuneration may be fixed at an exact amount or based on a rule and may be periodically fixed or may take permanent effect until a change therein has come into existence.
The provision in the foregoing paragraph does not affect the right of an officer or employee who has been elected director to receive remuneration and benefits in the capacity of officer or employee of the Company.
ARTICLE 17: The Board of Directors shall elect one of its members to be chairman.
In the event the Board of Directors sees fit, it may elect one director or more to be vice chairman. The vice chairman has, according to the regulations, a duty for the business entrusted by the chairman.
The Board of Directors has the power to entrust a director, any officeholder or any other person to exercise powers or perform any act on its behalf.
ARTICLE 18: Not less than one half of the total directors must be present at a meeting of the Board of Directors to constitute a quorum. In the event the chairman is not present at the meeting or is not able to perform his duty, the vice chairman, if any, shall preside at the meeting. If there is no vice-chairman or there is a vice chairman he is not able to perform his duty, the directors present shall choose one of their members to be chairman of the meeting.
The decision of the meeting shall be made by a majority vote.
A director has one vote, except that a director having interests in a given matter has no right to vote on such matter. In case of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
The Board of Directors’ meeting or the subcommittee meeting of the Company can be conducted through electronic media in accordance with the requirements of the laws.
ARTICLE 19: The Board of Directors has the power to appoint a certain number of directors to be executive directors with the powers and duties as delegated by the Board of Directors, and one member of the executive directors shall be elected chairman of the Board of Executive Directors.
The provisions concerning the quorum and the meeting under Article 18 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a meeting of the Board of Executive Directors.
The Board of Executive Directors has the power to entrust one director or more of the Company or other persons to perform any act on its behalf.
An executive director has the right to receive, in addition to the remuneration which he receives under the Articles of Association in his capacity as director, remuneration as determined by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 20: The Board of Directors must meet at least once per three (3) months in a locality where the principal office or a branch (if any) of the Company is situated or in a nearby province.
In summoning a meeting of the Board of Directors, the chairman or a person entrusted by him shall send a letter of the summoning of the meeting to the directors not less than seven (7) days before the date of the meeting; except in the event of necessity or urgency for the purpose of preserving the rights and benefits of the Company, notice of the summoning of the meeting may otherwise be given and the date fixed for the meeting may be earlier than that.
ARTICLE 21: Two directors shall have the power to co sign their names and affix the seal of the Company to bind the Company.
The Board of Directors may fix the names of the directors authorized to sign their names and affix the seal of the Company to bind the Company.
ARTICLE 22: The Board of Directors must cause an annual ordinary meeting of shareholders to be held within four (4) months from the ending date of the fiscal year of the Company.
All other meetings of shareholders apart from the aforementioned shall be called extraordinary meetings. The Board of Directors may summon an extraordinary meeting of shareholders whenever it sees fit, or one or more shareholders holding the aggregate number of shares of not less than ten (10) percent of the total number of shares sold may, by subscribing their names, request the Board of Directors in writing to call an extraordinary meeting at any time, but the reasons for calling such meeting shall be clearly stated in such request. In this regard, the board of directors shall proceed to call a meeting of shareholders to be held within forty-five (45) days as from the date the request in writing from the shareholders is received.
In case the Board of Directors fails to arrange for the meeting within such period under paragraph two, the shareholders who have subscribed their names or other shareholders holding the required aggregate number of shares may themselves call the meeting within forty-five (45) days as from the date of expiration of the period under paragraph two. In such case, the meeting is deemed to be shareholders’ meeting called by the Board of Directors and the Company shall be responsible for necessary expenses as may be incurred in the course of convening such meeting and the Company shall reasonably provide facilitation.
In the case where, at the meeting called by the shareholders under paragraph three, the number of the shareholders presented does not constitute quorum as prescribed by Article 24, the shareholders under paragraph three shall jointly compensate the Company for the expenses incurred in arrangements for holding that meeting.
ARTICLE 23: The Board of Directors shall prepare a notice of the summoning of a meeting of shareholders specifying the place, the day and the hour, the agenda, and the matters to be proposed to the meeting, together with details as may be reasonable, whereupon it shall be sent to the shareholders and the registrar for acknowledgement not later than seven (7) days before the date fixed for the meeting, and published for three (3) consecutive days not later than three (3) days before the date fixed for the meeting in a newspaper published and distributed at a locality where the principal office of the Company is situated; or in the event there is no newspaper of such nature, it shall instead be published in a newspaper distributed in Bangkok Metropolis.
ARTICLE 24: Not less than twenty five (25) shareholders and proxies (if any) or not less than one half of the total shareholders holding not less than one third (1/3) in the aggregate of the total number of outstanding shares shall be present at a meeting of shareholders in order to constitute a quorum.
In the event that, within one (1) hour from the time appointed for any meeting of shareholders, the quorum is not present as prescribed, the meeting, if summoned upon the requisition of shareholders, shall be dissolved. If such meeting had not been summoned upon the requisition of shareholders, another meeting shall be summoned and a letter of the summoning of the meeting shall be sent to the shareholders not later than seven (7) days before the date fixed for the meeting. At such meeting, no quorum shall be necessary.
ARTICLE 25: The fiscal year of the Company shall commence on is 1st January and end on 31st December of every year.
ARTICLE 26: No dividend shall be distributed otherwise than out of profits. In the event the Company still incurs accumulated losses, no dividend may be distributed.
Dividends shall be distributed equally for each share according to the number of shares.
The Board of Directors may from time to time pay to the shareholders such interim dividends as appeared to the Directors to be justified by the profits of the Company, and shall accordingly report to the shareholders at a subsequent meeting.
Payment of dividends shall be made within one (1) month from the date on which a meeting of shareholders is held or a resolution to that effect is passed by the Board of Directors, as the case may be, provided the shareholders are so notified in writing and notice of the declaration of the dividends is also published in a newspaper.
ARTICLE 27: The auditor has the power to examine accounts, documents and any other records concerning income, expenditure, as well as assets and liabilities of the Company during the office hours of the Company. To this, he shall have the power to inquire a director, an officer, an employee, any officeholder of the Company, and an agent of the Company, as well as to require them to give an explanation on facts or submit documentation concerning the business operation of the Company.
ARTICLE 28: The auditor has a duty to be present at a meeting of shareholders of the Company every time the balance sheet, the profit and loss account, and problems concerning the accounts of the Company are considered in order to give explanations on audit to the shareholders. The Company shall also deliver to the auditor reports and documents of the Company the shareholders ought to receive at such meeting of shareholders.
ARTICLE 29: The seal of the Company as affixed hereon shall be used.