Human Resources Policy

Recruitment Policy

The Company seeks qualified persons with compatible perspective with the corporate value of the Company.

Corporate Development Policy

As a part of sustainable corporate development, human resource is the most valuable asset of the Company, and we strive to enrich our employees to be valued and capable human beings.

Corporate Culture Building (LANNAR Spirit)

LANNAR Spirit is code of conduct that expresses Lanna identify for employees to learn and adhere to. It helps define employees’ well behavior and prevent inappropriate behavior. Moreover, it is a way to pass on Organization’s value to stakeholders which are shareholders, customers, clients, employees and society.

Lanna Spirit is as below

L – Learning

A – Attitude

N – Never Give up

N – New Idea

A – Aspiration to Teamwork

R – Responsibility

L – Learning We prioritize learning as the world is moving faster, becoming smaller and filled with tougher competition in all industry. We must adapt to continue on and compete with others thus learning is the best and important shortcut to news and knowledge of changes in the fast-paced world.

A – Attitude To stay positive. Attitude is like a pair of glasses. We see things through glasses or attitude. With positive attitude, we see positive side of things and vice versa. By having positive attitude, we have different perspective on opportunities and new experiences in life.

N – Never Give up Never give up to problems or obstacles by finding solutions or turning the situation around by creating opportunity from them.

N – New Idea Looking out for new ideas in workplace and trying to improve the work that we’re doing for the better work environment and better results.

A – Aspire to Teamwork To know the importance of teamwork and work together to share, to help and to achieve the goals together.

R – Responsibility To always take responsibility for

1. Self: to know the importance of one’s role and to achieve the set goals.

2. Organization: to be responsible to one’s role in the organization and work together with others to grow together.

3. Society: to be responsible for society and environment and to operate business with good corporate governance.

To endorse LANNAR Spirit, we support all types of learning for all employees such as seminars or work process improvement activities to ensure that our employees as well as the organization can strive under the highly competitive environment.

Quality of Work Life Improvement

The Company recognizes the importance of the quality of work life and its influence to the performance. Accordingly, various activities are held in order to promote our focus in this matter.

1.Annual Health Checkup Program

Every employee is entitled to an extensive annual health checkup program with follow-up activities.

2.Physical Exercise

The Company provides fitness club subscriptions for interested employees.

3.Health Awareness Program

The Company promotes health awareness and disseminates health knowledge via various channels within the Company. Influenza and hepatitis vaccination are also provided as preventative care.

Employee Retention Policy

Every employee is a valued member of the Company. Accordingly, we strongly focuses on employee retention and development. Employe benefits and the work environment are continuously reviewed and improved. The employees are also engaged with various activities, including CSR activities.

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