Mr. Somkiart Limsong

  • Positions: Chairman of the Board
  • Age: 79 years
  • Nationality: Thai
  • Education: MBA., Harvard Business School
    – Certificate: Thai Institute of Directors Association
       Director Accreditation Program (DAP) Class 5/2003
  • Date of Appointment: October 2, 1985
  • Period of Directorship: Holding Director Position since 1985 until present for total of 35 years and 3 months.
  • Shareholding in the Company as at December 31, 2020:
    – Minor child holding 28,562,460 shares or 5.440 percent of all shares with voting rights
    – Nominee and/or related person holding 4,793,000 shares or 0.912 percent of all shares with voting rights
  • Direct and indirect interest in any of business with Company and its subsidiaries: None
  • Family Relationship with Executives: None
  • Number of Director Positions in other Business:
    – Listed Company – None
    – Non-Listed Company – None
  • Past 5-Year Work Experience:
    – 1994-2001: Chairman, Gulf Electric Public Co., Ltd.
    – 1968-1999: Last Position: Vice-Chairman of the Board, President, Executive Chairman and Managing Director of Siam City Cement Public Co., Ltd.

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