Goal – Vision – Core Value – Mission – Corporate Culture

      The Company conducts businesses and investments with a focus on long-term and sustainable growth. The Goal, Vision, Core Value, Mission, and Corporate Culture for the core business as determined by the Board of Directors are as follows.
     The Company has established a strategic plan and goal to generate more revenue every year by investing in new businesses in Thailand to be able to generate revenue as much as that of overseas businesses within the next 5-10 years to create stable and sustainable growth in the future.

     To achieve this goal, the Company has developed a suitable plan to support the new projects and future challenges by focusing on the business model that can create value for the Company, all stakeholders, and society as a whole, by bringing in and utilizing suitable and modern innovation and technology so that the Company shall have potential and competitive advantage and achieve stable and sustainable growth in the long term.

To be the leading global company in coal and renewable energy businesses.

Production and distribution of coal and renewable energy with focus on quality, attention to community, society, and environmental conservation.

  • Aim to attain business operation excellence through insisting on building customer satisfaction by paying attention to recommendations as well as making self-assessment and review to continually develop and create the best products for a sustainable development of the Company in the future.
  • Develop excellent products and services, create innovation to continue adding values to products and services and find new ways that are utmost beneficial for the customers.
  • Develop skillful human resources and acquire modern technology to maintain high quality and standard of products and services for shareholders, as well as to create financial returns that grow steadily and continuously in the long term.
  • Adhere to the corporate social responsibility to create and develop long term sustainability for the organization and intend to fight against corruption in every form.
  • Become aware of the importance of good corporate governance by adhering to the principles of fairness and integrity, accountability, responsibility and transparency, and promoting equitable treatment, as well as gaining faith from all shareholders and stakeholders.

Corporate Culture is a set of shared values that brings employees together with the aim of achieving organizational goals. Here, our corporate culture is called “LANNAR SPIRIT”.
LANNAR SPIRIT is an aspiration of our employees that expresses Lanna identity. It helps define employees’ well behavior and prevent inappropriate behavior. Moreover, it is a way to pass on the corporate value to stakeholders which are shareholders, customers, clients, employees, and society.


We prioritize learning as the world is moving faster, becoming smaller and filled with tougher competition in all industry. We must adapt to continue on and compete with others thus learning is the best and important shortcut to news and knowledge of changes in the fast-paced world.


To stay positive. Attitude is like a pair of glasses. We see things through glasses or attitude. With positive attitude, we see positive side of things and vice versa. By having positive attitude, we have different perspective on opportunities and new experiences in life.


Never give up to problems or obstacles by finding solutions or turning the situation around by creating opportunity from them.


Looking out for new ideas in workplace and trying to improve the work that we’re doing for the better work environment and better results in the future.


To know the importance of teamwork and work together to share, to help and to achieve the goals together effectively in long term.


Recognition and responsibility in the good work always, including (1) Self-responsibility, which is to know the importance of one’s role and to achieve the set goals; (2) Responsibility to the organization, which is to be responsible to one’s role in the organization and work together with others to grow together without creating problems and obstacles to the organization; and (3) Responsibility to the Society: to be responsible for society and environment and to operate business with ethics and good management for business growth with quality, stability and sustainability in long term.

Trainings and activities are continuously provided to executives and employees by the Company in order to encourage learning, raise awareness of corporate culture among employees and for employees to develop expertise in working efficiently and effectively which in the long run drives the Company’s sustainable growth.

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