General Information

Head Office Located at 888/99, Mahathun Plaza Building, 9th Floor, Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330;
Taxpayer Identification Number: 0107535000397
Tel.: 0-2253-8080, 0-2253-6820
Fax: 0-2253-6822, 0-2253-5014
Branch Office Ayutthaya Coal Distribution Center located at 108 Moo 1, Klong Sakae Sub-district, Nakhonluang District, Ayutthaya Province
Tel.: 035-724158
Fax: 035-724158
Type of Business

The Company operates three following main businesses:

  1. Solid Fuel: Business operation in coal production and distribution domestically and overseas.
  2. Liquid Biofuel: Business operation in the ethanol production and distribution for bio-fuel purposes.
  3. Renewable Energy: Business operation in investment and service in renewable energy businesses.
Registered and
Paid-up Capital
524,999,679 ordinary shares at a par value of Baht 1 per share, for a total paid-up registered capital of Baht 524,999,679.
Registrar Thailand Securities Depository Co., Ltd., 93 Stock Exchange of Thailand Building, Rajadapisek Road, Dindang, Bangkok 10400
Tel.: 0-2009-9999
Fax: 0-2009-9991
Auditor Ms. Patcharawan Koonarangsri, certified public accountants no. 6650;
and/or Ms. Siriwan Suratepin, certified public accountants no. 4604;
and/or Ms. Kamontip Lertwitworatep, certified public accountant no. 4377 of EY Office Limited
with address at 193/136-137 Ratchadapisek Rd., Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
Tel.: 0-2264-9090
Fax: 0-2264-0789-90
Legal Advisor Dharmniti International Co., Ltd., 2/2 Bhakdi Building, 2nd Floor, Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
Tel.: 0-2680-9777
Fax: 0-2680-9711
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