Corporate Sustainability Report

Even though the main business objective is to maintain standards of the products in every step of the production process, Lanna Resources Public Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies have never neglected the principles and responsibilities to the society, communities and environment. As for the coal mining business, the subsidiary companies must operate according to the mine plan and conduct environmental impact analysis and study that must be approved by relevant authorities who also control and oversee the operation.

The mine site rehabilitation and improvement are also carried out after mining operations are completed in order to improve environmental surroundings and ecosystem and return to its useful state. The Company has undertaken mine site rehabilitation and improvement by carrying out plantation of trees with conservational value, and land utilization and improvement for several activities including agriculture, water reservoirs, residence, etc.

The Ayutthaya Coal Distribution Center in Ayutthaya Province, a domestic operator, has carried out measures concerning the environment as well. In order to prevent dust pollution, trees have been planted as wind barriers, and high-pressure water spray system has been set up to constantly spray water around coal stockpiles and hauling roads. The sediment from waste water is contained and not released to the public river. Coal trucks are ensured to have complete coverage, and their wheels are washed before entering public road. Additionally, air and water quality are constantly monitored. In order to contain the dust more effectively, a close system of large silos is being constructed for coal storage with a capacity of 6,000 tons. Completed on early 2014, the investment is approximately Baht 40 million. Further construction has been planned for the following years, with a goal for a complete transition of open space storage to close storage in order to minimize the dust generated.

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